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Data Mining

Collecting data from your client or the opposition is only the first step. Organizing and understanding this data is crucial for any litigation. Discovery Specialists can help peer into the data and search, filter, and organize this data for further review. We can help in both reducing the volume of documents that need to be produced and delivering valuable insights by analyzing documents produced by the opposing party – even if they are delivered in PDF or TIFF format.

Data Culling

Unfortunately due to the nature of electronic discovery, a large portion of documents collected for production are not relevant in many cases and are typically gathered based on general search terms or general collections based on entire folders, drives, or custodians. Such approach leads to large volume of data and documents which drives up the costs of production and the legal review process, as well as the overall time required for production and review. Our data culling funnel is designed to eliminate irrelevant documents and ensure that only the relevant documents are produced, thereby significantly reducing the costs of the overall electronic discovery process.

Discovery Specialists Data Culling Funnel

Discovery specialists can help create very specific “surgical” searches to pull out documents that are truly relevant. The advanced searching capabilities exceed many tools available to most corporations that may not catch embedded documents or meta-data. The advanced searching along with our experience in locating relevant documents means more precise productions for our customers and less expense. The engineering experience of our staff greatly increases the results of this searching by our iterative search process which requires checking results of searches and adjusting search procedures based on results. The search process and changes to the search analysis is fully documented for attorney review and use in litigation. Along with searching, we have customized filtering of documents that allow separating out media files, and certain types of files that are known not to be relevant. The filters that are used are fully explained to attorneys and are customized for each case. In all cases, filtered documents are retained in the event that they may become relevant later in the case. At that time, additional searches can be applied only across the documents not previously produced.

Specialized filtering

With our specialized privileged filtering we can take a list of law firms, attorney names, and privilege related words and analyze the documents collected to flag documents that may be potentially privileged. Our system uses an algorithm to check for common misspellings and variations in the use of the names and emails. While the best privilege review is always by human eyes, this search and flag mechanism gives a second check and makes sure that at least these documents are analyzed further to help prevent privileged document production.

Categorized searching

As with our privilege review, searches can be categorized and documents found in those searches can have flags applied to aid in attorney review for production. Grouping these documents helps attorneys make connections between documents that they may miss otherwise, and lets them focus on subsets of documents that may be of more immediate importance due to upcoming depositions or discovery responses.

Any of the searching and filtering can be done in English as well as native language in which the documents are written. This helps improve accuracy, as translated document searches can miss a significant amount of responses. The results of the searching, filtering, and flagging are then provided to attorneys for further review before production.

Active storage

Discovery Specialists will keep the data received on active storage for the life of the litigation. This means if changes occur in the litigation and new documents need to be collected for attorney review, they can quickly be gathered or searched from the total collection received from the client. Further, we can instantaneously find the source of any document that was produced and find related documents.

Analysis of Opposing Party Documents

In addition to data mining documents for production, documents produced from the opposing party can be analyzed to discover hidden clues and to speed up the review process via intelligent document categorization.

We can help organize documents, show connections between documents based on context, and find connections between employees and projects within a company. We can even re-create links between documents and populate data fields for documents produced in PDF or TIFF format. This allows later searching and ordering of the documents which might otherwise not be possible.

Communication database – we have the ability to recreate and analyze communication patterns from emails and other communication documents provided by the opposing party. Essentially, we are able to re-create the metadata fields that are usually missing when the opposing party delivers produced documents in PDF or TIFF format. The communication database can be analyzed to forensically identify potential gaps and omissions from the production sets delivered by the opposing party. Furthermore, the analysis of the communication patterns can greatly speed up the overall document review of the opposition documents and provide intelligence for the review team so they can identify and hone in on the higher priority documents and individuals involved in communication that may have been missed otherwise. Based on this analysis, a map of communications based on dates, topic, or people can be built.

Document categorizationthrough a combination of proprietary technology and highly educated and specialized program managers for each specific project, we have the ability to rapidly work thru a large volume of documents and classify those documents subject to client’s customized categories and criteria. Further, due to our team’s data mining experience and understanding of the documents being reviewed, a large number of documents can normally be eliminated as binary files or irrelevant documents. This human-machine technology combination can be especially useful as a substitute for a more traditional, human-based, sequential review process in situations where documents need to be reviewed rapidly. By the use of a rule-based set up by our expert team in combination with case attorneys’ we use a variety of proprietary algorithms to perform the following tasks

  • Similar Document Detection – SDD is a sophisticated semantic algorithm that can evaluate content and key phrases in a document (or a text segment) and then search for similar documents in the data set.
  • Contextual Search – unlike a traditional keyword searching, a Contextual Search is a self-training mathematically based search technique that analyzes content and sentence structures. Via this technique, it is easier to uncover documents that contain contextually similar information to a reference phrase or a paragraph.
  • Flexible, Model-Based Phrase Search – retrieves narratives that contain one or more user-specified phrases, and ranks the narrative on their relevance to the phrases

Our capabilities narrow your productions, save attorney review time, and increase your knowledge of both your client’s documents and those documents produced by the opposition.