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There are many options for the production of documents in today’s complex world of litigation. The options range from paper production to native file production, and all flavors in between. Our experienced engineers can show you the advantages and disadvantages of each production type and the demands that will be placed on both you and the opposition for review.

Choosing a Form of Production

The most common form of production consists of single page, Bates labeled TIFF files. These are the electronic equivalent to physical pages of paper. This production approach gives the opposition the least information about a document. However, more and more judges are allowing meta-data and native file production under the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. There are alternatives to this requested production that will usually satisfy an opposing party’s demands and be agreeable with the Court. We can assist in helping you choose the best course of action.

Decisions must also be made on how media files and other non-printable files will be produced, labeled, and redacted. In addition, documents containing hidden content, such as hidden columns on Excel worksheets, must be produced correctly. We have solutions that make these documents readable, usable, and will not withhold data that can later put the litigation in jeopardy. Our proprietary document re-formatter also prevents costly extra pages to be produced due to pages slightly out of the margins. This is most commonly found in Excel sheets, where literally thousands of extra pages per document can be produced that are completely irrelevant or blank. We can prevent this and save you valuable production costs.

Understanding how documents can be produced is also useful when receiving documents from the opposing party. This allows you to ask for documents to be produced in a specific way to ensure you are getting information in the most usable form necessary. We encourage you to speak with us before discovery begins in your case.

Discovery Specialists Production Capabilities

Full Text/Metadata Extraction - we can extract text from the native documents (emails, spreadsheets, other documents) and make it available to you as searchable text in a reviewable database.

Confidentiality and Bates Labeling – all produced documents can be stamped with a Bates numbering scheme and/or confidential designation stamping. We can also remove and re-Bates number and confidentiality stamp existing TIFF files produced in past cases.

Search & Review in Native Language – There is an increase in foreign documents produced in large litigation cases today. Especially in manufacturing type cases due to overseas manufacturing and research facilities. We have the ability to search and review documents in their native language.

Machine Translation – We also have the ability to machine translate documents for further attorney review. While machine translation is only 60% to 85% accurate depending on the language and layout of the document, it can still be useful for contextual review. Once a document is flagged as potentially relevant, it can then be hand translated if necessary for use in the case. The critical component of machine translation is the proper OCR or data extraction of documents before translation begins. We can handle multi-language documents and provide you with the most accurate translation possible.

Email Discussion Thread Tagging – entire email threads can be uniformly tagged to group discussions for review.

Quality Control – we employ a sophisticated 3-pass quality control process to validate the accuracy of each produced TIFF image. During our QC process, the file is either properly produced, or it is logged in an exception report as a file that cannot be produced and provided on a separate CD with a control number identifying where in the production this document should occur.

Flexible Output Format – aside from the most typical TIFF and PDF outputs, we also support: JPG, searchable PDF, RTF, HTML, text, UTF8 renderings.

Load File Creation – we work with all leading document review software applications, but you can also request a load file for a custom database/application. Load formats currently include: Concordance, CT Summation, Clearwell, iPRO, kCura’s Relativity, Introspect, Ringtail, iCONECT, Trial Director, Documatrix (Epiq), dbTextworks, Virtual Partner, and JFS Litigator’s Notebook.